Several studies addressing the supply and demand for food in China suggest that the nation can largely meet its needs in the coming decades. However, these studies do not consider the effects of climate change. This paper examines whether near future expected changes in climate are likely to alter this picture. The authors analyze the effect of temperature and precipitation on net crop revenues using a cross section consisting of both rainfed and irrigated farms.

Biotechnology proponents claim that genetically modified (GM) crops are good for consumers, farmers and the environment, and that they are growing in popularity around the world. Unfortunately, journalists often report such claims as fact, without first subjecting them to critical scrutiny.

In recent years, the growing international trade in agricultural products has motivated farmers to pay close attention to pest quarantine problems and agrochemical residues in foods. Agrochemical residues in agricultural products are a major consumer health concern and can seriously damage trade between countries.

This Synthesis Report is based on the assessment carried out
by the three Working Groups (WGs) of the Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change (IPCC). It provides an integrated view of climate
change as the final part of the IPCC

This paper shows that, while total water available in the Lower Krishna Basin is decreasing, changes in the waterscape of the basin are being shaped, to a large extent, by local users. This study underlines that it is not only the availability of the physical resource that is crucial in explaining the evolution of water use but, as water has become a disputed and highly politicized object, waterscapes are also strongly shaped by the social and political conditions of a region (a state for example), the boundaries of which often exceed the area where water is effectively used.

The objectives of the Tiger Conservation Plan are to ensure: protection of tiger reserve and providing site specific habitat inputs for a viable population of tigers, co-predators and prey animals without distorting the natural prey-predator ecological cycle in the habitat; ecologically compatible land uses in the tiger reserves and areas linking one protected area or tiger reserve to another for addressing the livelihood concerns of local people, so as to provide dispersal habitats and corridors for spillover population of wild animals from the designated core areas of tiger reserves or from

This WWF report seeks to answer the question: "Is it technically possible to meet the growing global demand for energy by using clean and sustainable energy sources and technologies that will protect the global climate?' In other words, can a concerted shift to the sustainable energy resources and technologies that are available today meet the more than doubling of global energy demand projected by 2050, while avoiding dangerous climatic change of more than two degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels?.

This paper examines the impact of the variation in stocks of three resources, namely, water, forests and fodder biomass, on resource collection time of rural households in India, especially women.

This report explores ways to incorporate international aviation and maritime shipping in a climate policy regime. Currently, emissions from international transport are not included in climate policy targets under the Kyoto Protocol. One of the reasons is that it is not clear which country should be held accountable for which share of the emissions.

This paper summarizes research on the Krishna River Basin in southern India, including physical and agricultural geography, remote sensing, hydrology, water management, and environmental
issues. Discharge from the Krishna into the ocean decreased rapidly from 1960-2003 due to irrigation expansion. Annual runoff to the ocean fell from a pre-irrigation average of 56 cubic
kilometers (km3)(1901-1960) to 13 km3 (1994-2003), despite no significant change in rainfall. By the late 1990s, the cumulative reservoir capacity in the basin approximated the annual runoff
