Climate change and variability are major challenges to rain-fed crop production in Africa. This paper presents a report on a pilot project to test a concept for operationalizing weatherindex crop insurance as a social adaptation to the climate change and variability problem in the Upper West Region of Ghana.

This paper presents a report from a project on “Developing community-based climate smart agriculture through participatory action research in CCAFS benchmark sites in West Africa” which is a joint initiative of CCAFS-West Africa programme and ICRAF-WCA.

This working paper examines the development of regional socioeconomic scenarios for West Africa’s development, agriculture, food security and climate impacts. Present four globally consistent regional scenarios framed and outlined by regional experts who crafted narratives and determined key drivers of change.

The agricultural sector plays a key role in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). As the backbone of the economy, it affects society at many levels since national economies and people’s jobs, incomes and food security depend upon it.