For the first time since scientists began tracking carbon dioxide in the global atmosphere, the monthly global average concentration of this greenhouse gas surpassed 400 parts per million in March

Global sea levels are rising significantly faster than earlier thought, according to a new Harvard study.

Leaves collected one year after the Fukushima nuclear disaster from surrounding regions had sufficient radioactive toxins on them to cause butterflies to die earlier and have deformed offspring.

Developmental gains will crumble if India follows a model of growth that is resource-and-energy-intensive. As it is, rivers are degraded, pollution is growing, forest cover's thinning.

Unless current eating habits, especially the Western style high meat diet, are changed the world will move towards ever increasing greenhouse gas emissions, says a new study.

Sometimes, a shard of reality can raise serious doubts about what looks like a grand feat.

A long-standing debate was resolved yesterday when a new Nasa-led study confirmed that natural forests in the Amazon remove more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than they emit.

42 Babies Out Of 1,000 Die Before Reaching Age Of One Year In Country

It is well known that quality of life varies greatly amongst different states within India. Some states have greater industrial or agricultural output, higher income levels, better education and health indicators, while others are still struggling with backwardness.

Last year, 2013, was tied with 2003 as the fourth warmest year since records began in 1880, according to the US government's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

The world's largest tropical desert, the Sahara, has suffered a catastrophic collapse of its wildlife populations, a new study has warned.

The study assessed 14 desert species and found that a shocking half of those are regionally extinct or confined to one percent or less of their historical range.
