Britain has announced a tax on sugary drinks. Countries should go further and target foods that have large carbon footprints.

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A manipulative experiment in which a reef is alkalinized in situ shows that calcification rates are likely to be lower already than they were in pre-industrial times because of acidification.

Using a global coupled biogeochemistry–climate model and a chemistry and transport model reveals that China’s present-day global radiative forcing is about ten per cent of the current global total, made up of both warming and cooling contributions; if in the future China reduces the cooling forcings, global warming could accelerate.

Evidence from ecological studies, eddy flux towers and satellites shows that many tropical forests ‘green up’ during higher sunlight annual dry seasons, suggesting they are more limited by light than water. Morton et al. reported that satellite-observed dry-season green up in Amazon forests is an artefact of seasonal variations in sun-sensor geometry. However, here we argue that even after artefact correction, data from Morton et al. show statistically significant increases in canopy greenness during the dry season.