TOKYO, Japan - Dealing with a very real impact of climate change, the Asian continent has been experiencing weather extremities over the last two months that has caused widespread death and devasta
More than 200 environmental activists were killed last year for opposing large-scale agricultural and mining projects, a global rights watchdog said on July 24.
ATHENS, Greece - In what is being defined as the deadliest wildfire in Greece in decades, the death toll rose to 74 on Tuesday, even as rescuers tried to hunt for survivors on all available ground
Chinese authorities have ordered a company in the northeastern province of Jilin to halt production of a vaccine after it was recalled last week, amid an ongoing probe into fraudulent business prac
TEHRAN, Iran - After being jolted by two strong earthquakes and dozens of aftershocks in less than 12 hours, people in several parts of Iran remained in a state of panic on Sunday.
Chinese police have launched a violent tear-gas assault on Tibetan villagers in Qinghai's Yulshul prefecture, ending a two-month protest against suspected mining operations on local mountains, acco
Dozens of water buffalo in Iraq's southeastern wetlands have died because of low water levels in the marshes, threatening the livelihoods of a community of marsh dwellers that has made the area its
MOUNT GORONGOSA, MOZAMBIQUE - At Mozambique's Mount Gorongosa - where farmers are being encouraged to grow coffee in the shade of hardwood trees, both to improve their own lot and to restore the fo
ABIDJAN - The world's top cocoa producer Ivory Coast plans to build a 60 to 70 megawatt (MW) capacity biomass power generation plant running on waste from cocoa pods, part of its aim of developing