The Gautam Budh Nagar administration has issued stringent guidelines for the canteens running in various schools of the district on Thursday.

Drilling of bore holes on forest land for prospecting of minerals and oil exploration will not be exempted from the ambit of clearances, the environment ministry's forest advisory committee (FAC) s

The Steel Authority of India (SAIL), the Jharkhand government and the Ministry of Steel had all opposed the Centre's draft plan on mining in the Saranda forest that proposed 'go, no-go zones and bi

In a bid to resist another dengue outbreak in the national Capital, the civic bodies have stepped up measures to check mosquito breeding in both residential and isolated areas.

As we spend hours with our laptop screens and live vicariously through our smart phones, our bodies are revolting in insidious ways.

Choosing from the over 180 health insurance policies offered by the 20-odd health insurers is no easy task.

The number of pollution sources in China has increased by more than half in eight years, the environment ministry said on Thursday as it embarks on a nationwide survey to determine the damage done

In a major development, India-based Neutrino Observatory (INO) project which suffered multiple delays for over a decade, was granted environment clearance by (EC) the Ministry of Environment and Fo

Madhya Pradesh government's proposed Majhgaon medium irrigation project, which will submerge 78.6 hectare of Panna Tiger Reserve's (PTR) buffer area and require 426.7 hectare of forestland, has bee

An outbreak of Zika fever, which causes microcephaly — a rare birth defect marked by unusually small head size, eye abnormalities and nerve damage — is likely in coming years because of a build-up
