The U.S.

New research from the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa reveals a large part of the the heavily urbanized area of Honolulu and Waikīkī is at risk of groundwater inundation—flooding that occurs as grou

To meet skyrocketing demand for electricity, African countries may have to triple their energy output by 2030.

A new study on how ocean currents transport floating marine debris is helping to explain how garbage patches form in the world’s oceans.

For the first time a “tipping point” molecular link between the blood sugar glucose and Alzheimer’s disease has been established by scientists, who have shown that excess glucose damages a vital en

Forests around the world are at risk of death due to widespread drought, University of Stirling researchers have found.

A Washington State University study of the chemistry of technetium-99 has improved understanding of the challenging nuclear waste and could lead to better cleanup methods.

The study, which was led by a team from The Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) at the University of York, found that in 2010, about 2.7 million preterm births globally – or 18% of all pre-term b

A team of University of Colorado Boulder engineers has developed a scalable manufactured meta material — an engineered material with extraordinary properties not found in nature — to act as a kind

The volume of discarded electronics in East and South-East Asia jumped almost two-thirds between 2010 and 2015, and e-waste generation is growing fast in both total volume and per capita measures,
