The first study conducted in a natural environment has shown that systemic pesticides damage bees' ability to navigate.

Dutch elm disease is a terrible affliction that destroyed elm trees throughout North America and Europe. It is a fungal infection that is spread by the elm bark beetle.

Last night, as Earth Hour beganits monumental journey around the globe, hundreds of millions of people united to demonstrate that we urgently need to take action to protect our planet.

Scotland is on course to smash its renewable energy targets after official figures revealed record-high levels of green power generation.

Climate change could reduce the economic value of the services the oceans provide to mankind by almost US$2 trillion a year by 2100, according to a study presented at the Planet Under Pressure conf

Environmental advocacy groups have been arguing for the expansion of protected areas in the world's seas and oceans.

Coal is one of the biggest sources of greenhouse gas emissions in the world. The good news is that coal's share of monthly power generation in the U.S.

The UN's International Labor Organization (ILO) has released a report stating that the Brazilian government violated the rights of indigenous people by moving forward on the massive Belo Monte dam

Cameroon's military has been called in to Bouba Ndjida National Park to take on foreign poachers that have slaughtered hundreds of elephants for their ivory, according to the World Wide Fund for Na

In a study released by the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, heavy diesel exhaust (DE) exposure might increase mortality rates from lung cancer.
