BEUC argues greater efficiency would shield consumers from impact of soaring oil prices

Environmental factors contribute to 30% of Africa's disease burden and hinder the continent's development

The Peruvian night monkey has never before been studied in the wild. But new research shows that protecting forests – even small fragments – is vital to the species' survival

Armed ivory poachers are reported to have killed 86 elephants in less than a week, including pregnant females and calves

The polar bears of Hudson Bay, Canada, migrate onto land in the summer when the sea ice melts, relying on fat reserves to survive until the sea refreezes in late November or early December.

It would be risky to assume gas prices will be low in the future, said the report from the Grantham Institute

Hunters have slaughtered 3,500 reindeer on a British island near Antarctica to try to get rid of the animals that were brought from Norway a century ago and are an increasing threat to native wildl

The government is expected to announce on Tuesday that it is giving the go-ahead to the first of a planned fleet of new nuclear reactors in the UK.

Many nations will fail to meet target of recycling 50% of waste by 2020, warns the European Environment Agency

Energy NGO Teri has revolutionised 500,000 lives through a scheme that uses solar LED lanterns to provide cheap power
