Melting Arctic ice is widening a path for ships to deliver European oil to Asia, stoking South Korea’s ambition to become a regional storage and trading hub.
With the Sendai nuclear plant in Kagoshima Prefecture poised to be restarted as early as this fall, experts and critics are pointing to flaws in the evacuation plan drawn up by prefectural authorit
Debris cleanup work by Tokyo Electric Power Co. at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant may have led to the contamination of rice crops in nearby areas, agriculture ministry officials said Monday.
An association of Japanese airlines and other entities announced an initiative on Wednesday aimed at enabling the use of biofuels to power passenger jets by 2020, in an attempt to reduce carbon emi
In the state of Pennsylvania’s gas drilling boom, newer and unconventional wells leak far more often than older and traditional ones, according to a study of state inspection reports for 41,000 wel
Environment Minister Nobuteru Ishihara apologized Tuesday for suggesting that money would ultimately decide whether local authorities accept the central government’s proposal to build storage facil
The government released an annual energy report Tuesday that called for a return to nuclear power generation, saying increasing fuel costs for thermal power and a surge in CO2 emissions are reasons