There was something in the air on Monday as parts of the city saw a return to “serious” levels of air pollution, particularly to the west, with the haze expected to remain until Wednesday.

Beijing was hit by serious smog on Sunday as forecasters warned people living in the capital to brace for more days of poor air quality with the arrival of autumn.

A small sampan manoeuvres between the fishing boats moored in the Cheung Chau typhoon shelter, while a small shrimp net is dropped over the bows to retrieve a modest catch of floating refuse.

A Vietnamese government minister said it’s now safe to swim at most beaches in four central provinces where massive fish deaths occurred more than four months ago because of toxic chemicals release

Greenpeace says three mining operations are damaging intact tracts of forest in the Three Parallel Rivers area, a UN-certified nature reserve

Trash-free water at the Rio Olympics is not guaranteed but sailing competitors can at least expect a “fair” tournament, a top official said Wednesday.

About 12,000 tonnes of rubbish dumped on the edge of Lake Tai continues to pose a contamination risk to drinking water in Suzhou, but local authorities and residents still can’t agree on exactly wh

People living in places with wildly swinging temperatures are more vulnerable to health problems such as heart attacks, respiratory ailments, and increased heart rate, blood pressure and cholestero

Scientists may have significantly underestimated a dangerous source of pollution in the atmosphere, new research suggests.

Vietnam’s breadbasket southwestern region has been hit by the worst drought in 90 years, badly damaging the nation’s economy.
