This new FAO study on Mahbubnagar and Anantapur districts in AP confirms that there is a strong gender dimension to the way in which climate variability is experienced by farmers in their coping strategies to ensure livelihoods and food security.

The most comprehensive assessment of the state of the world's forests published at the start of the latest biennial meeting of the FAO' Committee on Forestry and World Forest Week, in Rome. It examines the current status and recent trends for about 90 variables covering the extent, condition, uses and values of forests and other wooded land, with the aim of assessing all benefits from forest resources.

Following more than a decade of seemingly inexorable increases in the number of undernourished people, estimates for 2010 presented in this edition of The State of Food Insecurity in the World show a slight glimmer of hope, with the first fall since 1995.

Why is the right to food important for the rural and urban poor? How does it help women and children? What are the obligations of States in relation to the right to food? These and other questions are answered in the Fact Sheet on

This guide aims to support countries in planning and conducting forest policy development processes. Based on a review of practical experiences, it outlines the rationale and purpose of a national forest policy and the different elements of the forest policy development process.

Continuing high rates of deforestation and forest degradation and the poor contribution of forests and forestry to poverty reduction are undermining efforts to promote sustainable forest management
(SFM) in many countries in the Asia-Pacific region.

In line with the request of the Twelfth Regular Session of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, this report follows the outline set out in the document Format and content of future status and trends reports on animal genetic resources.

The Second Report on the State of the World

This paper examines some of the key technical, institutional, policy and financial responses required to achieve the transformation to 'climate-smart' agriculture.

The study on "Forests and Climate Change in the Asia-Pacific Region" provides assessments on impacts of climate change and adaptation options, highlighting adaptation needs, forest management options and estimations of adaptation costs.
