This publication by Indian Meteorological Department, Pune contains studies with latest data on various aspects of important weather / climate systems viz. Monsoons, Cyclone, Drought, Floods and observational weather / climate mechanism in India.
In this new study IMD examines district-wise and all India drought climatology over India for southwest monsoon season using using Percent of Normal(PN) & Standardized Precipitation Index(SPI).Compares drought climatology based on SPI with that based on PN to show that SPI is a better index for monitoring drought conditions over smaller spatial scales like districts, subdivisions etc.
The 2009 southwest monsoon recorded the third highest deficient
all India southwest monsoon season rainfall (-22% of LPA) during
the period 1901-2009. All the monsoon months except July
recorded large deficient rainfall. Region wise, except south
Peninsula, all other homogeneous regions recorded much below
normal rainfall. Activity of depression was below normal with
This document by national climate centre of IMD computes district wise drought probabilities across India for 319 districts having long data series of rainfall. Has done mapping for moderate & severe drought probabilities for various districts & demarcates regions belonging to different class intervals of probabilities of drought.
This document by IMD, contains the highlights of temperatures during the year 2009. It presents the monthly temperature profile with spatial pattern over India.
IMD's long range forecast for the seasonal rainfall over the country as a whole and over different homogenous regions except northwest India have been accurate. However, the seasonal rainfall over northwest India and rainfall during July for the country as a whole have not been accurate.
This paper, discusses the development of a very high resolution (0.50 x 0.50 degree) daily rainfall data set for mesoscale meteorological studies over the Indian region. The data set was developed using quality controlled rainfall data from more than 6000 rain-gauge stations over India. The analysis consists of daily rainfall data for all the seasons for the period 1971-2005.
To meet the requirements of the research community, a high resolution daily gridded temperature data set for the Indian region was developed. For this purpose, daily temperature (maximum, minimum and mean) data of 395 quality controlled
Sub-seasonal rainfall fluctuations, characterized as active and weak spells during the Indian monsoon season (June to September) is an important component of the variability of the Indian monsoon rainfall.