More than 40 percent of US corn is now used to produce biofuels, which are used as substitutes for gasoline in transportation.

Using a unique city-level panel on the daily air pollution index (API) and fine-scale meteorological data from 2009 to 2013 in China, examine the existence and the magnitude of spatial spillover effects of urban air pollution in Chinese cities.

Biofuels production has received increasing focus by developed and developing countries due to rising fossil fuel prices and the need to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. The net economic and environmental impacts of biofuel programs have become an important question of public policy.

We synthesize literature on the spatial aspects of coupled natural-human systems across a variety of natural resource contexts and introduce a framework that can be used to compare modeling approaches and findings across applications.

The development of climate policy in the United States mirrors international developments, with efforts to initiate a coordinated approach giving way to jurisdictions separately taking actions.

Methane is the second most prevalent anthropogenic greenhouse gas emitted in the United States and has a global warming potential 28–34 times higher than carbon dioxide over a

The ban on US crude oil exports began as a reaction to the oil embargo in the early 1970s and later was codified in law and Department of Commerce rules for granting export permits.

To support the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21), Resources for the Future was asked to provide a critical review of methodologies for accounting for the true costs of electric power across the available generation technologies.

This paper provides an overview of developments in food safety policy in major industrial countries and of economic analysis of this policy. It describes the elements of a risk-based, farm-to-fork food safety system as it is emerging in OECD countries guided by discussions through Codex Alimentarius and traces its roots in the development of risk management policy in the United States.

Hybrid-electric vehicles (HEVs) have been sold in the United States since the first Honda Insight of 1999. Growth in hybrid sales has been relatively slow, with the current hybrid market
