This report outlines the core argument of Share the Road, a campaign that works to help re-balance the current state of road investments across all modes.

This new TEEB study showcases the economic value of forests, freshwater, soils and coral reefs & calls for wider recognition of nature’s contribution to human livelihoods, health and security by the decision-makers.

This new UNEP report looks at the pressures and the drivers of ecosystems degradation that affect inland fisheries, and reviews opportunities on how to manage inland fisheries sustainably through ecosystem management approaches.

Biodiversity and ecosystems are crucial for understanding how the world's natural capital is linked to financial markets. This CEO Briefing underscores the critical natural capital that underpins our economic activity and financial capital. As the finance sector we need to ensure that we operationalise this thinking in the management of investment and lending activities.

Biological diversity of the 72% of our planet covered by seawater is crucial to global resource security, ecosystem function and services, and climate dynamics. Current and future trends in marine biodiversity remain an important element to be fully assessed by the international community.

Factoring the planet's multi-trillion dollar ecosystem services into policy-making can help save cities and regional authorities money while boosting the local economy, enhancing quality of life, securing livelihoods and generating employment according to this study released by TEEB for Local and Regional Policy Makers at the biodiversity conference in Ghent, Belgium. 

The role of intellectual property rights (IPRs) in the transfer of climate change technologies has emerged as a particularly contentious issue in the past two years.

The manual provides new approaches to prevent emissions of CFCs during the operation and servicing of equipment and catalogues steps to recycle the CFCs and retrofit the equipment. Developing countries, called Article 5 countries under the Montreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer are also embarking on the second stage i.e.

This feasibility study concludes that time is limited in terms of coping
with dramatic challenges to livelihoods in the region. A cross-boundary collaborative programme needs to prioritise and focus on adaptation already by 2011

Four leading insurance climate change initiatives, whose combined membership includes more than
a hundred of the world
