This inaugural issue of the World Bank Group’s Global Investment Competitiveness Report presents novel analytical insights and empirical evidence on foreign direct investment’s (FDI) drivers and contributions to economic transformation. Three key features distinguish this report from other leading FDI studies.

The new 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development includes water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) at its core.

Urbanization is occurring at a rapid pace in Bangladesh, accompanied by the proliferation of slum settlements, whose residents have special health needs given the adverse social, economic, and public environmental conditions they face.

The Democratic Republic of Congo has the third largest urban population in sub-Saharan Africa (estimated at 43% in 2016) after South Africa and Nigeria. It is expected to grow at a rate of 4.1% per year, which corresponds to an additional 1 million residents moving to cities every year.

Developing East Asia has led the way in showing how rapid and broadly shared growth can lift millions out of poverty.

The World Bank, together with the World Cocoa Foundation and Climate Focus, has released a new report to help guide the work of these governments and companies to operationalize the Frameworks for Action at the level of cocoa farmers.

Global cocoa production faces mounting environmental and economic challenges. Despite long-term global demand, cocoa producers are confronting the triple challenge of increasing productivity on limited land, reducing pressure on forests and ecosystems, and increasing their resilience to climate change.

The Haiti water supply, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) Poverty Diagnostic seeks to inform how to maximize the socioeconomic impact of the scarce fiscal resources channeled to the sector. The study assesses the linkages between improved access to WASH services, poverty, and health outcomes.

Water management is a key development challenge in South Asia. The region - one of the most densely-populated and climate-vulnerable parts of the world - has the world’s fastest growing regional economy and the

This World Bank knowledge note describes a benchmarking method developed to track the progress of Pacific Island Countries toward sustainable flood risk management.
