Ten years on from the global financial crisis, the prospects for a sustained economic recovery remain at risk due to a widespread failure on the part of leaders and policy-makers to put in place reforms necessary to underpin competitiveness and bring about much-needed increases in productivity, according to data from the World Economic Forum’s G

The ability of Sub-Saharan Africa’s economies to generate enough jobs for its young and growing population rests on the successful implementation of urgent reforms to boost productivity. This is the key finding of the Africa Competitiveness Report 2017.

India ranked 87th among the surveyed 127 countries on a Global Energy Architecture Performance Index (EAPI) released as part of report of Geneva- based World Economic Forum (WEF). EAPI is a composite index developed by WEF in collaboration with Accenture Strategy.

Decreasing the effect of NCDs requires a more systematic response.

In just over half a century, plastics have become pervasive throughout the economy, due to their versatility and cost-effectiveness. Yet alongside clear benefits, today’s plastics system has significant drawbacks. This need not be the case, however.

Around the world, no bigger policy challenge preoccupies leaders than expanding social participation in the process and benefits of economic growth.

How will food systems nutritiously and sustainably feed 8.5 billion people in 2030? This report, co-published by the World Economic Forum and Deloitte, presents four scenarios for the future of global food systems.

Economic inequality, societal polarization, and intensifying environmental dangers are the top three trends that will shape global developments over the next ten years — not least of all this year says this report.

One of the most important challenges for institutional investors in the next several years is dealing with an environment of low-yielding opportunities combined with the rising need to deploy large amounts of capital and meet growing liabilities.

India has been listed in 87th place in a global gender gap index study conducted by the World Economic Forum (WEF). India has gained 21 spots from 108th position in 2015 and overtook China (99) with improvements across Economic Participation and Opportunity and Educational Attainment.
