Sixty people tested positive for swine flu here on Wednesday, taking the total number of those infected by the Influenza A (H1N1) virus to 570, an official said.

“Sixty people tested positive for swine flu, but there have been no deaths on Wednesday),” a doctor of the Delhi Health Service (DHS) said. According to doctors, there has been a sudden spurt in the number of swine flu cases; there were 39 cases and one death in January alone, and 531 cases and 10 deaths in February as of Wednesday. “This year there have been 570 cases of swine flu in two months,” an official said. IANS

Cabinet decisions aimed at ensuring round-the-clock power supply to Delhi, says Sheila

At a time when the entire power sector is facing a severe financial crunch, the Delhi Cabinet on Wednesday sought to place more funds at the disposal of private sector power companies in Delhi by approving a proposal for infusion of redeemable cumulative preference shares in Tata Power Delhi Distribution Ltd and additional investment in loans to Pragati Power Corporation (PPC) and Indraprastha Power Generation Co. (IPGC).

In an effort to prove that pollution affects the rich and the powerful as much as the common man and the homeless, a court-appointed body is working to put up an air monitoring device on Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit's house.

The monitor would specifically detect levels of ground-level ozone, which is created when sunlight interacts with emissions from vehicle exhaust, chemical solvents and other sources and turns it into an imminent, floating hazard.

The North Municipal Corporation is ready to implement its reformed parking policy and as part of that, the civic agency will begin using handheld devices in the 64 parking sites under its jurisdiction.

The corporation, however, maintained that it will take some time to get these handheld devices connected to the central server, that will enable it to keep track of every car entering the parking site and for how long it is parked. "Initially, the plan was to connect these devices to a central server so that we have parking records for a month, based on which we can float fresh tenders without losing money to contractors, but that will take time.

“Insensitive attempt to create awareness about cervical cancer”

Is the Delhi Government promoting moral policing in the name of health education? That is the question to which women activists and students have demanded an answer, pointing to the Delhi Government roadside banners that blame “immoral sex” for cervical cancer. Stating that these banners are an “insensitive” attempt by the Delhi Government to create awareness about cervical cancer, a Jawaharlal Nehru University student Radhika said: “These banners that have been placed at various places in Delhi are for public education, but to state that ‘immoral sex’ is responsible for cervical cancer in women is tactless and highly offensive.’’

The scheme proposes to extract water from the Yamuna floodplains

Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit directed the Delhi Jal Board on Monday to initiate work on a project that was sanctioned to extract water through non-invasive technology from the Yamuna floodplains but has been hanging fire. The Chief Minister’s direction came after a group of students from Delhi University met her, requesting to sanction the project, which is also the subject of their thesis.

NEW DELHI: North Delhi Municipal Corporation is finally ready with a redevelopment plan for special areas as directed by Master Plan 2021.

Another 60 patients tested positive for swine flu on Sunday, taking the total number of diagnosed patients this year to 420.

Health department officials said the continuing cold weather and the intermittent rainfall are responsible for the surge in cases this year. "We had a few days of relief over the past two weeks, but the rainfall on Friday and Saturday brought down the temperatures again. Humidity levels are still high," an official said.

Private distribution companies in the city have billed the consumers an additional Rs 4,500 crore in the last five years for electricity that was never actually supplied, a report by an NGO alleged today.

It said power tariff has been hiked in Delhi by a whopping 59 per cent in last two years which is the highest increase among all states while Gujarat was at the bottom of the list with only six per cent hike.

Buses Are Entering Car Lanes And Going Over Dividers Near Bus Stops As Chaos Prevails On Delhi Govt’s Showcase Corridor

New Delhi: Just four months after the Delhi government made a passionate appeal to Delhi High Court to restrict the central lane on the Ambedkar Nagar-Moolchand bus rapid transit (BRT) corridor to buses and emergency vehicles, it’s back to chaos. Cars, autorickshaws and even mini-trucks are using the lane, defying the law with impunity. Those stuck in the car lanes are left to wonder what the BRT is all about when buses can’t have a free run because the law cannot be enforced. How can the government simply abandon the stretch after arguing for it vehemently in court.
