Over a day behind schedule, the world set the stage for a new climate treaty by agreeing to the Lima Call for Climate Action on Sunday, which was slammed by NGOs and people’s movements.

This first UNEP Adaptation Gap Report provides a framework for defining adaptation gaps and a preliminary assessment of the gap between adaptation needs and reality.

The negotiating platforms at Peru: Different bodies are mandated to negotiate for different elements under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

This paper by Overseas Development Institute maps the emergence of climate change policy in India and subsequently traces the evolution of arrangements around climate finance.

International efforts to tackle climate change are at a critical juncture. At the end of 2015 governments will gather at the Paris climate summit to frame a new international agreement aimed at preventing ‘dangerous climate change’. Achieving that goal requires a high level of ambition backed by practical policy commitments.

This paper explores the possible role of the 2015 agreement in promoting further mobilisation of climate finance for developing countries in the post-2020 period.

The government allocated around Tk774 crore in the budget for FY 2012-13 for different adaptation programmes being implemented by different ministries.

This technical paper provides background information on the second review of the Adaptation Fund based on the terms of reference for the second review as annexed to decision 2/CMP.9, taking into account the deliberations and conclusions of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation at its fortieth session.


France promised $1bn to a near-empty climate change fund for poor countries on Tuesday and called for the establishment of a new green economy in the first concrete result of a milestone United Nat
