The LSE Cities/ICLEI survey on Cities and the Green Economy provides an up-to-date overview on the experiences of cities around the world in the transition to the green economy.

Woodfuels (firewood and charcoal) are the dominant energy source and the leading forest product for most developing countries. Representing 60 to 80 percent of total wood consumption in these nations, woodfuels often account for 50 to 90 percent of all energy used.

Extensive research on development-induced displacement within the institutional framework of the World Bank began in earnest in the mid seventies. However, as early as the end of the fifties, sociologists were aiding Egyptian authorities in planning the resettlement of Nubian communities during the construction of Aswan High Dam.

The development of international mining projects is one of the most visible consequences of globalization. Mining activities undertaken by the private sectors of Europe and North America have recently been joined by companies from China, the Arabian Peninsula, and wealthy Asian countries.

From the sky, the Garden City of Bangalore now looks more smoggy compared to other mega cities in the subcontinent, thanks to rising levels of tiny soot particles in the atmosphere from vehicle and

With nations doing little to slow climate change, many people are ramping up plans to adapt to the inevitable.

Even though countries are burning unprecedented amounts of oil and gas, the estimates of how much is left continue to grow, thanks to high prices and new technologies that have enabled companies to find and extract new resources. A decade ago, it was the tar sands of Canada and Venezuela. More recently, hydraulic-fracturing technologies have opened up oil and gas resources in the United States.

On the first day of climate change talks here, India joined hands with China and other developing countries, including the small island states and the least developed countries (LDCs), to put rich

Climate and water expert Pavel Kabat — director and CEO of the International Institute for Applied System Analysis in Austria — calls for a long-term system approach to water research, new partnerships with the developing world and a change in donor practices, to tackle water-climate issues. He talks to Nature Climate Change.

A comprehensive survey of youngsters from around the world has discovered the biggest concern they have about the environment they live in is pollution.
