US trade negotiators said they had reached an agreement with Ottawa to further open its market to US farm goods, allowing North Dakota and Montana farmers to ship grain directly to Canada. The

The Bangladesh Prime Minister, Ms. Sheikh Hasina Wajed has been awarded the prestigious Ceres medal by the Food and Agricultural Organisation(FAO) for her fight against hunger, officials said

After disposing of their old tractors and other implements, farmers in the Bathinda cotton belt have now started selling brand-new tractors at throwaway prices. As the cotton crop in the region has

The agriculture ministry has set up a National Crop Forecasting Centre (NCFC) following the decision taken at the chief ministers' meeting convened by the prime minister on November 27. The centre

A scandal to shock wine connoisseurs to the last drop of their being has been uncovered by the same kind of DNA test that is used in paternity cases. An analysis by American and French scientists has

Brazil's farmers are skirting a ban on genetically-modifed (GM) crops and turning to the black market for illegal soyabean seeds smuggled in from neighbouring Argentina, a top industry group has

Intergated Coffee Technologies, a U.S. biotechnology-research company, will begin field trials this month of a decaffeinated-coffee plant that has been under development for seven years, said John

Cholera broke out in a pig farm in Yongin, about 50km south of Seoul, yesterday, prompting government officials to take emergency measures to stem the spread of the water-borne disease. The Ministry

Australian and New Zealand health ministers last night called for the mandatory labelling of genetically modified foods. But it was likely that some foods containing genetically

The sight of protestors clad in masks and protective clothing uprooting crops on farmland across Britain has become a feature of August's traditional harvest. And direct action by environmental
