South Korea's seed firms said on Monday that with the help of government subsidies they planned to develop genetically modified organisms (GMOs), an increasingly controversial technique as consumers

Timely monsoon rains in India's main soybean growing belt of Madhya Pradesh will help the new crop flower, but sustained rainfall is needed to prevent a big fall in output, traders and industry

Farmers of Solan, Sirmaur and parts of Bilaspur district, a majority of whom had planted a newly-introduced hybrid variety of tomato, marketed by a multinational company, have reported "near-total

Field trials of Bollgard cotton varieties by the American-based multi-national company Monsanto inthe State is not related to the much feared "terminator gene" which prevents the use of second

The attack on Monsanto's genetically engineered cotton crop may cause a serious setback to the research on developing new food crops through bio-technology, an official in the Department of

Even as the government is contemplating diversification of agriculture in Punjab, an alternative is being provided to farmers by the Nasirpur Tissue Culture Laboratory, which is producing high

Cotton crop in several districts of Punjab and Haryana has been plagued by ballworms, a deadly pest and growers, who were expecting a good crop after successive crop failures, are once again in for a

The Forum for Biotechnology and Food Security, an organisation of agricultural scientists, economists, policy makers, farmers and environmentalists, has called for an immediate moratorium on all

What kind of development should be encouraged? Should there be an emphasis on the mechanisation of agriculture or the return to pastoral farming? These are the some issues which are likely to be

It took less than 30 minutes on Saturday for the militant Karnataka Rajya Raitha Sangha to torch a farm at Malladaguda village, 420km from Bangalore, where US-based biotechnology giant Monsanto has
