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During recent years a number of different species of lichens have been found (species richness) and the presence of indicator species has been studied to characterize regional air quality impact on lichen populations. The following review describes some of the pollutants affecting lichens, mechanisms of pollutant accumulation by lichens, physiological responses to pollution, and methods of study utilizing lichens.

Ultrafine particles (UFP) may contribute to the cardiovascular effects of exposure to particulate air pollution, partly because of their relatively efficient alveolar deposition and potential to enter the pulmonary vascular space. This study tested the hypothesis that inhalation of elemental carbon UFP alters systemic vascular function. March 2008

Over the past decade there has been mounting evidence that ambient air pollution during pregnancy influences fetal growth. This study was designed to examine possible associations between fetal ultrasonic measurements collected from 15,623 scans (13

The distribution of microorganisms, and especially pathogens, over airborne particles of different sizes has been ignored to a large extent, but it could have significant implications regarding the dispersion of these microorganisms across the planet, thus affecting human health. March 2008

Major sources of air pollution in urban areas include combustion processes (e.g., including the burning of fossil fuels for steam and power generation, heating and household cooking, waste burning, and gasoline and diesel-fueled engine combustion) and various non-combustion industrial processes (e.g., solvent extraction processes).

Emissions of sulphur dioxide (SO2) from electric power generation sources within the US Acid Rain Programme fell sharply in 2006, with reductions of 830,000 tonnes from 2005 levels and an overall reduction of 40 per cent from 1990 levels, reports the US Environment Protection Agency (EPA). March 2008

Heavy metals in the atmosphere may travel over large distances before being re-deposited on land. One effective way of monitoring how deposition changes with time is to measure concentrations in moss. A bio-monitoring network coordinated by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) provides data on the concentration of 10 heavy metals in mosses from about 7,000 sites across Europe. March 2008

Rice is the most important Kharif crop of Punjab. With the increase in production of rice there is concomitant increase in the production of residue (rice straw), which is approximately 18.75 MT. About 80 percent of the rice residue it burnt in the fields, particularly after harvesting rice by combine harvesters.

Air quality in Europe has declined in recent years, according to a report from the European Topic Centre on Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC), which also cautions that the short time period involved makes it difficult to draw reliable conclusions. March 2008

Regulation of polluting emissions from international shipping lags far behind land-based sources, despite widely available cleaner fuels and exhaust after-treatment technologies. March 2008
