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The aim of the proposed new legislation from the European Commission is to limit the average emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) from new cars sold within the Union to 120 g/km by 2012. But carmakers will only be responsible for an average of 130 g/km, with the last 10 g/km to be made up by other measures for which legislation will be proposed by the Commission later this year. March 2008

Residue burning practice is followed in major Indian states of Uttar Pradesh and Punjab. Agricultural residue burning in the fields and used otherwise for rural domestic needs is responsible for a large number of toxic emissions, which are a health hazard.

Crop residue burning results in the emission of many a toxic pollutants. These emissions can travel long distances affecting thereby the entire region. Due to these emissions the air quality of the region worsens, which results in nose and throat itching and burning, and irritation of the airway tract.

According to results from continuing scientific research, premature deaths caused by air pollution from international shipping will total over 80,000 by 2012. Using the same methodology as in previous work, scientists have estimated mortality changes by 2012 associated with three of the six policy scenarios currently under review for the IMO's ship emission regulations. March 2008

Open field burning of plant material has been a long standing traditional agricultural practice by farmers and foresters. When farmers burn their agricultural lands, the products of combustion are emitted directly into the open air. Heavy smoke, consisting of particulate matter, from these fires clouds the skies.

Harvesting a crop generates a huge amount of crop residue. Uttar Pradesh tops the list of the Crop Residue Producing States followed by Punjab, Madhya Pradesh and so on. A large part of this crop residue is burnt in the open fields since the farmers do not have any worthwhile use of this waste. Burning of residues give rise to emissions of aerosols, major gases and trace gases.

This report contains the "Natural Resource Accounting of Goa State' and the valuation of environment and forest ecosystem of Goa state. In this report basic concepts on environmental accounting and different approaches of valuation are described. More specifically report covers the valuation in the specific sectors viz., air, water, municipal solid waste, and forestry.

It's a major polluter of the air. It is responsible for emissions of fine particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and ozone. It affects large segments of the population in every part of the country. But something may
finally be done to ameliorate the problem of vehicular pollution in Israel.

There's good news and bad news when it comes to air quality in Israel. On the one hand, Israel's annual monitoring report for 2006 reveals improvements in air pollution, especially when it comes to pollution from transportation sources in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.

power transmission is an endless battle with the phenomenon of resistance, which leads to losses. The search for a superconductor, which offers no resistance to the passage of electricity, has kept
