Enable Block: 

One of Africa's highest environmental damage settlements was reached on February 13, 2007, between the Ivory Coast government and a Dutch-based commodity trading company in a toxic waste dumping

Pak pollution check The Rawalpindi city district government in Pakistan recently launched a plan to shift industrial units in Rawalpindi city to its suburbs to reduce pollution in the city. The plan

China has admitted failure in meeting any of its pollution control objectives for 2006. This candid admission comes from the State Environmental Protection Agency (sepa) in Beijing. On

Paul J Crutzen received the 1995 Chemistry Nobel prize for showing that nitrogen oxides react catalytically with ozone, thus accelerating the rate of reduction of the atmospheric ozone content.

The Hon

The Hon

No small buses Sri Lanka's Western Province Transport Authority has decided to bid farewell to the minibuses with less than 26 seats, which are still transporting passengers on the roads of the

Ratan Tata, the chairperson of the investment commission, has asked the Centre to experiment with a new technology

Three major British airlines have recently flayed the European Commission's proposed air passenger tax. The scheme is a "poor environmental tax' and a wrong way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions,

the brown haze over north-India's sky could portend a dry future. Caused by liquid pollutants suspended in air, the aerosol cloud, infamous for its effects on crops and human health, may result in
