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Niobium, an element scientists searched for in the Earth s mantle, is found in the core instead

Most bottled water brands are contaminated in Pakistan

A molecule traced recently might help in preventing the Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) infection. Yvette van Kooyk of the University of Nijmegen, the Netherlands, along with her team,

expired dose: The Calcutta high court has directed the state director of heath services (DHS) to remove "all old equipment and medicines from the Tangra primary health centre.' The court also

Acute respiratory infections caused by air pollution are the most prevalent diseases in Bangladesh, says the World Bank (WB). "Bangladesh can avoid 15,000 deaths a year if air pollution in Dhaka,

Pakistan is incurring an annual economic loss of US $1.8 billion because of mismanagement in six key environmental areas, according to Omar Asghar, the country's federal minister for environment,

The second largest contributor to greenhouse gases questions the findings of the IPCC report

The European Union comes down on seven governments for being lax on industrial pollution

A local company in Dhaka, Bangladesh, will launch electric vehicles, the first of its kind in the country by March 2001. "We have already imported some vehicles for trial and are going to launch

People with breathing problems are more vulnerable to heart diseases caused by air pollution
