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The Supreme Court has directed the Union government and the local authorities to regulate traffic and curb pollution in Delhi. A three-judge bench comprising of the Justice J S Verma, Justice B

in an attempt to reduce air pollution, the European Commission has laid down strict standards not only for pm 10s - particles with a diameter of less than 10 micrometres, but also for pm

Funding and technology cooperation in the past 17 years indicate that research and development (R&D) is becoming increasingly globalised. Foreign funding of industrial R&D in the US increased almost

The Indira Gandhi canal project is a costly failure that has led to destruction of habitat and loss of arable land

Rise in infectious diseases in the canal s command area

Ecological imbalance and pestilence in western Rajasthan

Adaptation in the desert

Gemologists in Bangkok say that hundreds of dangerously radioactive gemstones are circulating in Asian markets and some of them have found their way into finished jewellery. Tests conducted by


Tehran has ratified

November marks the beginning of the breeding season of the endangered Olive Ridley turtle on the Gahirmatha coast in the eastern state of Orissa. The first school of the protected turtles is expected
