Even as results of a pilot study on direct cash transfers in lieu of rations are still awaited, postal staff in Delhi are getting slum-dwellers to open accounts.

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) — a specialised agency of the United Nations based in Rome — has decided to chip in with funds to aid promotion of livelihood in the triba

New, simplified guidelines for the rural job guarantee scheme will be issued soon.

Remunerations to be disbursed only through institutional channels under the job guarantee scheme

The well being dug under the Mahatama Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme at a cost of Rs 2.63 lakh at Gutjera village in Khunti district could not withstand the first spell of monsoo

Recommending the government to ensure that “at least two-thirds of investment” under the NREGS is channelled towards “natural resources management”, the National Advisory Council Thursday decided t

Sarpanches, panches to be involved in Bani tehsil

Experts question rural development ministry

A total of 500 officials in the State have been punished by authorities for their involvement in alleged irregularities in the entre

BHADRAK: Migration is no longer confined to KBK region. The search for better life and livelihood has had thousands of people of Bhadrak district migrate to various states.
