Bees , bird species in N-E affected due to radiation from mobile towers

CHENNAI: The ministry for environment and forests has commissioned a vital three-month study to understand the impact of mobile phone tower radiation on birds and insects in the wake of disappearin

The Ministry of Environment and Forests has ordered another study on the impact of electromagnetic radiation from cell phone towers on avian population.

NEW DELHI: Disposed paper cups outside juice and coffee shops could be behind the India's Colony collapse Disaster (CCD) disappearing honey bee population that pollinate 80% of all crops.

Tropical South America is rich in different groups of pollinators, but the biotic and abiotic factors determining the geographical distribution of their species richness are poorly understood. We analyzed the species richness of three groups of pollinators (bees and wasps, butterflies, hummingbirds) in six tropical forests in the Bolivian lowlands along a gradient of climatic seasonality and precipitation ranging from 410 mm to 6250 mm.

AHMEDABAD: An environment and forests' ministry study has blamed electromagnetic radiation (EMR) from communication towers for the declining numbers of sparrows and bees.

This report on impacts of communication towers on wildlife including birds and bees submitted to MoEF warns of harmful radiation and recommends special laws to protect urban flora & fauna from threats radiation emerging from mobile towers.

They are the Earth’s pollinators.

A survey of bumblebees in North America provides unequivocal evidence that four previously common and abundant species have undergone recent and widespread population collapse. Various explanations remain possible.

nsect pollinator abundance, in particular that of bees, has been shown to be high where there is a super-abundance of floral resources; for example in association with mass-flowering crops and also in gardens where flowering plants are often densely planted. Since land management affects pollinator numbers, it is also likely to affect the resultant pollination of plants growing in these habitats.
