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India may have compromised her sovereignty over the Narmada issue

EVERY time an American family decides to take its car out, the resulting carbon dioxide adds to the existing stock in the atmosphere for at least a hundred years. When the polar cap cannot

ENVIRONMENT has emerged as a major concern for the world community. And rightly so, since the global environment is affected by the actions of different countries. The theme has several

The South"s determined efforts to scuttle the forest convention that the North was adamant on pushing through was a major triumph. A blow-by-blow account of the crucial, often tricky, negotiation

BIG PROBLEMS cannot be solved without a big vision. And big visions do not come without big dreams. The Rio conference, which will bring together more heads of state and government than any

A N CHATURVEDI, former chief conservator of forests of UP and now with the Tata Energy Research Institute, New Delhi, is appalled at the attempts to glorify the goat. According to him, the

IN a semi-arid environment, keeping goats is considerably more rational for the local people than rearing buffaloes, according to a field study done in the degraded lands of Tilonia

Union minister for environment and forests Kamal Nath's attitude to the UNCED summit is a curious mixture of pessimism and optimism. He is unhappy over what he feels is the "rigidity and inflexibility" of some of the greatest polluters in the world. Yet,

There are few controlled data with which to assess the conservation role of corridors connecting refuges. If corridors were used sufficiently, they could alleviate threats from inbreeding depression and demographic stochasticity. For species that require more resources than are available in single refuges, a network of refuges connected by corridors may allow persistence.

Porpax Lindi. is a small genus found only in the mainland of Asia. It differs from its close relative Eria Lindl. in having the sepals joined into a tube and having a very short pseudobulb which is wider than long. While on an exploration to Silent Valley a curious population of Porpax was located. Comparing with other known species of the genus, the plants were described here as a new species. The plants were growing on lichen covered tree trunks in moist shady places.
