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How plants survive during night

Critics have slammed Sri Lanka's proposed legislation to set up a National Institute on Biodiversity (nib), which would control the country's biological and carbon resources. The nib would be

Will biodiversity hotspots such as the Himalaya become hunting grounds of the notorious mining industry? This concern has been raised by experts in the wake of research advocating that the probability of finding large quantities of sulphide ores of metall

Crucial issues such as protection of traditional knowledge, and creation of an international regime on access to genetic resources and benefit sharing were taken up by two working groups of the Convention on Biological Diversity CBD in December. The bod

But most nations are ill equipped to protect biodiversity havens

Invasive alien species threaten biodiversity of Sri Lanka

In new conservation recipe

The US congress has reportedly approved a $5 million waiver, thereby quantifying the debt for nature swap offer made to Sri Lanka more than two years ago. It is widely believed that this sum is peanuts, considering that Sri Lanka owes the us close to $1 b

It took just five votes to shake the very edifice of the International Whaling Commission IWC . Voting 25 20 in favour of setting up a controversial committee, the North dominated anti whaling faction drastically altered the IWC mandate from that of sc

are genetically modified (gm) crops threatening biodiversity? Not really,
