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The business of ecotourism is set to boom worldwide. Who will gain and who will lose?

If tourism revenues are generated by the quality of natural

This is a pocket sized, 211-page book that compiles the World Charter for Nature adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations in October 1982. The charter is presented in English and

The Supreme Court has sug gested that the forested states, which lose revenue because of the ban on felling of trees should be compensated for keeping their forests intact. Protection of the

Controlled burning of woodlands can be an effective tool for enriching the land and ecology. Dipanjan Ghosh looks at the possibilities

Bangladesh has banned tree-felling in its Sundarbans mangrove

On the tracks of two Indian bat species: one found in abundance, the other most elusive

Jhum farming destroys forest cover in northeast India

Looked at on a geological timescale, the planet's biodiversity has always been faced with threats of one form or another. But, at present, the threat is more pronounced than ever: species loss is


Going Green Pays The us has agreed to cancel a portion of Peruvian debt
