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The fiery issue revolving Bt Cotton has little to do with farming and more with politicking

Pressures on wto from the environmental lobbies of the North have grown and the organisation has more or less caved in completely

As terrorists arm themselves with biological weapons, India wakes up to find how ill equipped it is to face this deadly reality

Illegal trade in wildlife is threatening Costa Rica's biodiversity. The most sought after species are the limpets, parrots, jaguar cubs, toucans, squirrel monkeys and tropical fish. "We don't have

ireland's first ever biodiversity report has raised concerns among environmentalists. The report by the country's Environmental Protection Agency has identified modern agricultural practices,

The people of Mithila acquired the expertise of extracting colours from plants through trial and error, spanning an experience of over hundred of years. Leaves of bel (Aegle marmelos), bhang

Devotional in theme, Mithila paintings depict scenes from the ancient epics and legends and are rich with Vedic and Tantrik symbolism. They are in fact, simplistic manifestation of the philosophical

The Philippine government recently launched a project aimed at preserving the biodiversity of Samar Island, which has been listed as one of the top 200 endangered sites in the world. The island's

Air pollution levels rise drastically in Asia; push health costs

Illegal smuggling of insects from the Himalaya comes into focus with the arrest of two Russians in Sikkim
