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Jamaican iguana, a lizard, believed to be extinct for nearly 50 years, has been accidentally rediscovered in the Hellshire Hills of Jamaica. This inspired an intensive efforts to save both the

Gal pagos, an archipelago straddling the equator 1,000 km west of Ecuador, is probably the world s best known biodiversity zone. But alien species and invasive plants are threatening its unique ecosystem

At least 10 per cent of the world's environmental heritage, can be found in Brazil, according to the government officials. Brazil has recently estimated its environmental worth in economic terms.

the World Bank along with Conser

Avian diversity in the Northeast is better off with shifting cultivation than selective logging and monoculture forests

Bihar wetlands may be the only place in the world where makhana is grown on a commercial basis

An apathetic government, land hungry people, and fight for survival: it s the same story everywhere. Here are a few examples:

to evolve a proper and precise methodology for conserving the ecology, a national biodiversity strategy and action plan (nbsap) was inaugurated in New Delhi recently. It will cover areas

THE World Bank has sanctioned a $11.54-million biodiversity and natural resource management programme in Turkey. The Global Environment Facility is contributing a $8.2 million equivalent grant

The fifth conference on biological diversity held recently in Nairobi ended on a flat note
