Draft biotech strategy favours industry; omits biosafety

Brazil's parliament is debating a wide-ranging bioethics bill, covering subjects from human cloning to genetically modified (gm) crops. The new legislation proposes the creation of a National Council

To help the biotech industry

an unprecedented legal battle is being fought in Pakistan's Lahore High Court. Responding to a petition filed by two food rights groups against the import of genetically modified (gm) soyabean from

Venezuelan project aims to protect indigenous plant database

India s decision to ratify Cartagena Protocol evokes mixed response

The Nepalese government has recently signed the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, which is an international framework that has been set up to regulate the trade in genetically modified (GM) products.

Key political groups in the global biosafety debate

SCOPE: Living modified organisms (LMOs) intended for introduction into the environment and LMOs for food, feed or processing (LMO-FFPs) are covered by the protocol. Pharmaceuticals are subject to the

Are genetically modified organisms a miracle that will solve the world's hunger problems or a menace that will threaten human health, environment and food security? Attempts to sideline the Cartagena Biosafety Protocol continued in Montpellier, France, ev
