Tirupur: Farmers dependent on the Amaravathy river irrigation systems have appealed to the State government seeking enhancement of irrigation infrastructure for augmenting agriculture production in Tirupur, Coimbatore and Karur districts.

Lingam Chinnasamy, general secretary of Amaravathy Nathineer Pasanai Pathukkappu Iyyakkam, pointed out that desilting had not been carried out in Amaravathy d

A committee of growers and officials of irrigation and revenue departments will be constituted to look into water shortage at the tail-end of Veeho wah, Pandhro wah, Ali Nawaz wah and Faiz Ganj wah.

The formation of the committee was decided by the DCO Khairpur in a meeting held with the officials of Irrigation and Revenue departments and affected growers of Pakka Chang on Wednesday over water

AHMEDABAD: Amdavadis should use water judiciously in the days ahead.

The significance of water policy and the action plan formulated for its implementation in Rajasthan were highlighted at a meeting organised at Sinchai Bhavan here on Wednesday with a call to the water resources officers to make all efforts for achieving the targets.

Principal Water Resources Secretary Ram Lubhaya, presiding over the meeting, pointed out that water in 12 of the 14 basins in the

Demand to ensure minimum flow in the Yamuna to help its revival
Recent protests by religious and social groups against the unabated pollution in the Yamuna may well have given an impetus to the long-standing need for harvesting monsoon flows through dams and barrages.

LUCKNOW: Adequate availability of water has come to haunt the third water works (TWW) project of the UP Jal Nigam. The project was scheduled to start on May 13 when BSP completed its four years of rule. But it cannot because of the shortage of water.

JAIPUR: Despite an order from the Central Empowered Committee earlier in the year banning all construction work at the Ranthambore tiger reserve, a huge canal is being dug threatening to affect its ecological balance.

As environmentalists raised questions over the construction, the state government sprang into action on Saturday.

Jalandhar: There is good news for farmers of Punjab and also adjoining states. The level of water in the Gobind Sagar reservoir at the Bhakra Dam and the Pong Dam is much higher this year compared to the corresponding period last year.

This will not only ensure uninterrupted supply of water for irrigation, but also adequate power.

GANDHINAGAR: In a major SOP to Gujarat farmers, the state government on Wednesday announced that it will give a much higher compensation to 86,000 cultivators whose land is being acquired for Narmada canal network. This is based on the new jantri rate plus 30 per cent solatium.

The Jalandhar Potato Growers Association announced its support to the people of the villages located on both sides of Kala Sanghia drain who have pledged to block the drain under the leadership of environmentalist Baba Balbir Singh Seechewal on May 18.

After the failure of the official machinery, a large number of people from the villages along the Kala Sanghia drain, religious leaders and vill
