MUMBAI: The ever expanding Information Communication Technology (ICT) sector contributes two per cent of the total greenhouse gas emissions and this is all set to double in the future. Few know the emissions from the sector are as high as aviation, one of the worst offenders.

NEW DELHI: Wind power could produce 12 per cent of the world

Domestic automobile companies are equipping new car models with the next-generation, Euro-V engines, which will facilitate them to explore newer export markets in Europe and the US. The auto majors have introduced a range of petrol engines for their compact cars, which comply with the Euro-V norms and are meant for the export markets.

This paper reviews main approaches to estimate the costs of REDD, with a focus on the opportunity costs. These can be classified into local-empirical, global-empirical and global simulation models. In local-empirical models, per-area opportunity cost estimates are derived from detailed studies (surveys) and carbon density estimates

Over the past half-century, WWF and many other groups have worked to conserve the world's most exceptional ecosystems and endangered species, promote sustainable use of natural resources, and reduce pollution and wasteful consumption

Can the creation of a carbon finance fund effectively tackle implementational, institutional, legal, financial and capacity-building issues related to the clean development mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol?

Hydropower is often believed to be an inherently

Major transport-environment issues in Asian developing countries are: Choice of transport modes has been skewed towards motorized and private modes (cars, two wheelers) in early stage of economic development; Gap between demand for motorized travel and capacity of infrastructure is high and widening; Cities are trying to develop efficient transport systems but less or no attentions are being pai

Air quality management (AQM) is still a major challenge in Asia. The fast growing Asian economies and continued urbanization have increased the demand for mobility and energy in the region, resulting in high levels of air pollution in cities from transport, industry and other sources.

This report describes issues involved in choosing the set of greenhouse gases (GHGs), emission sources, and sectors of
