Despite a campaign by Karnataka State Pollution Control Board (KSPCB) for a safe and soundless Deepavali, the noise and air pollution levels shot up during the three-day festival in most areas of the City, including silent zones.

The highest noise level was recorded in Yelahanka New Town, categorised as an industrial zone. On November 13, it recorded 84 dB (decibel), an increase of 14 per cent compared to the recording on a normal day. City Railway Station recorded the highest air pollution with an increase in Sulphur dioxide, Nitrogen dioxide and Carbon monoxide levels, registering an average of 72 per cent increase in air pollutants on all the three days.

NEW DELHI: Along with your tablet, smartphone and car keys, get ready to pack a gas mask.

As a measure to check pollution during Diwali festival this year, Madhya Pradesh Pollution Control Board (MPCB) will conduct a survey at local markets to examine firecrackers for the level of pollu

There are many ways to harm your respiratory system such as smoking or breathing in asbestos. For urbanites living in cities across Europe, merely living and breathing in the city can be bad.

New Delhi:Delhi government’s environment department is set to commission IIT Kanpur to study its problem of air pollution.

The way that even low levels of carbon monoxide can be fatal, by disrupting the heart's rhythm, has been unravelled by researchers in Leeds.

What is the world wide trend in air pollution? On the surface North America and Europe have been gradually improving.

Carbon emissions from cities represent the single largest human contribution to climate change. Here we present a vision, strategy and roadmap for an international framework to assess directly the carbon emission trends of the world's megacities.

Shanghai started to post readings of PM2.5 to the public from 10 monitoring stations around the city on Wednesday.

In order to tune into a sustainable transport in the City, the State government should take some bold steps like banning free parking, said Prof T G Sitharam, Chairman, Centre for Infrastructure, Sustainable Transportation and Urban Planning (CiSTUP), IISc.

Speaking at a seminar on “Green Economy: The way forward for sustainable public transport,” organised by the KSRTC, Sitharam said the first step needed was to ban free parking in the City. Also, congestion tax needs to be introduced in the Central Business District (CBD) areas, which would force commuters to use public transport, he said.
