The climate challenge is so serious that all possible policy measures need to be considered. Currently however, there tends to be a focus on regulations and emissions trading as the main ways of reducing carbon emissions. The use of taxation seems to be ignored or forgotten.

The Little Climate Finance Book is a companion piece to the Global Canopy Programme

In Climate Finance, a leading group of 35 policy experts and scholars show how effective mitigation of climate change will depend on a complex mix of public funds, private investment though carbon markets, and structured incentives that leave room for developing country innovations.

New Delhi/Paris: In a dampener for India, the French government is set to insist that the European Union impose a carbon tax on imports from countries such as India which are supposed to have

Jeffrey S Hammer

Martin Hutchinson / November 13, 2009, 0:34 IST

Mumbai: The authorities have woken up to the dangers of climate change and global warming. Efforts are being made to find ways to mitigate their effects. But a lot more has to be done, and fast. The next five years are going to be crucial, experts say. The new forest minister of the state will have to get cracking right from the word go as his tenure is going to be full of challenges.

Permissible carbon levels should be reduced further.

Action plan

Oil and other polluting energy companies should be charged carbon fee.

It would lead to an increase in energy prices which, in turn, could be rationalised through subsidies.

The tax money could then be injected back into the economy to develop green technologies.

Rahul Wadke

Developed countries are largely responsible for the climate change to date, but future responsibility is shared by developed and developing countries alike. Rapidly developing countries such as China with steeply rising emission curves must also

The aviation and shipping sectors would be included in global carbon-cutting measures for the first time under a European Union proposal to be tabled at December
