Alarm bells are ringing in Delhi: there is a rumour that the European Union proposes to levy a carbon tax on imports from India. The excuse would be that the EU, together with other signatories to the Kyoto treaty, has done much to cut carbon emissions, even at the expense of its industries. India, however, did not sign the Kyoto treaty, and has gone about merrily increasing its carbon emissions. It saved money by not spending on carbon-saving technologies. Its industries have therefore gained an unfair advantage, and only deserve to be punished.


France is to slap an annual green tax on high-emission cars, such as sports utility vehicles, and extend punitive taxes to more environmentally damaging products in an attempt to revolutionise consumer behaviour and combat climate change.

Finally, a deal with Europe

Climate policy debates often feature discussions about the role of a carbon tax, either as an alternative or a supplement to a cap-and-trade program. This fact sheet describes the similarities and differences between the two policy approaches and answers other
common questions about a tax on carbon.

The need for a reduction in carbon emissions was debated at the United Nations Conference on Environment & Development (The Earth Summit) in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, resulting in the adoption of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), an international treaty on environment. The Kyoto Protocol, 1998, was adopted by the parties to the UNFCCC with the objective of achieving quantified emission limitations through specific policies and measures to minimising the adverse effects of climate change.

the European Union (eu) is mulling a "controversial' greenhouse gas reduction plan, through which it will impose a carbon tax on goods imported from countries with no emission curbs under the

This book looks at methods to maintain a level playing field for US industry under domestic climate policy. Through an assessment of the economics and trade flows of key carbon-intensive industries, the authors evaluate a number of proposals included in current legislation. They argue that, given the limited role of exposed sectors in the US economy, measures need to be targeted rather than comprehensive. Efforts to contain costs for carbon-intensive manufacturing, if not properly considered, can harm other industries and raise the cost of reducing emissions for the economy as a whole.

The current and imminent adverse environment having social and economic impact of Green House Gas (GHG) emissions is a global phenomenal. The governments around the world are increasingly developing or are implementing policies regarding reduction of GHG emission to address the challenge. Because of current and expected regulatory constraints, firms and individuals around the world are taking steps to reduce their GHGs emissions.

It's Earth Day on April 22 and we are no better off. Global warming is a larger threat than terrorism because it will affect each one of us. In India, the Ganges would dry up by 2030, according to UNFCCC.
