New Delhi: Although Delhi has witnessed a lot of relief from the monsoon rains, it has come with a price – a spurt in mosquito breeding.

Researchers in New Delhi have found that "Aedes aegypti" mosquitoes that transmit the chikungunya virus, pass it on to their offspring -- a feature that allows these mosquitoes to maintain the viru

Researchers in New Delhi have found that "Aedes aegypti" mosquitoes that transmit the chikungunya virus, pass it on to their offspring -- a feature that allows these mosquitoes to maintain the viru

VISAKHAPATNAM: With the advent of rains, incidences of vector borne ailments also intensify and Visakhapatnam is one of the districts in the state with high occurrence of fevers such as malaria, de

Number of dengue cases double since April
Mosquitoes breed in a pool of stagnant water behind the referral hospital on H Siddaiah Road.

The major mosquito vectors of human diseases have co-evolved with humans over a long period of time. However, the rapid growth in human population and the associated expansion in agricultural activity and greater urbanisation have created ecological changes that have had a marked impact on biology of mosquito vectors.

Health officials in Mandera County have raised alarm after 540 residents were on Wednesday reported to have been admitted in various hospitals following outbreak of Chikungunya disease.

Pune: Water scarcity forces people to store water, which in turn, creates favourable conditions for the dengue mosquito to thrive.

In June 2014, Suriname faced the first Chikungunya outbreak. Since international reports mostly focus on hospitalized patients, the least affected group, a study was conducted to describe clinical characteristics of mainly outpatients including children. In addition, the cumulative incidence of this first epidemic was investigated.

Original Source

As the world focuses on Zika's rapid advance in the Americas, experts warn the virus that originated in Africa is just one of a growing number of continent-jumping diseases carried by mosquitoes th
