Hepatitis B is a communicable disease with a high strike rate the germ: "The Hepatitis B virus kills 20 out of every 100 infected people each day. This works out to 400 times the people who die

Soya based infant formula damages kids immune system

Final report of the investigation of unusual illnesses allegedly produced by endosulfan exposure in Padre Village of Kasargod District (N.Kerala)Submitted to the Honourable National Human Rights Commision.

Waterborne diseases are the biggest threat to children

Childhood cancer rates in India are increasing by six per cent every year

Fast food and slow death

When pencils and paints lead to lower IQ

Children don t have a voice. They can t lobby or fight governments. The initiative lies with India s medical establishment and the civil society

Children are bearing the brunt of environmental degradation. Across the class divide, they are eating, drinking and breathing poison. And their special bodies make them most vulnerable to a host of diseases

Hormone rich shampoos make some girls enter puberty early
