about 80,000 children in north Korea are in immediate danger of dying from hunger and disease and another 80,000 are suffering from malnutrition. Carol Bellamy, executive director of unicef

Cancer in children has increased following radioactive leakage from a plant in France

Women can help prevent deterioration of their child's intelligence in later years by avoiding toxins and leading a healthy life during pregnancy. The environment of the womb plays a crucial role in

Bisphenol-A (BPA) is a principal reactant in the preparation of polycarbonate (PC) plastics and has been shown in in vitro cell proliferation studies to exhibit estrogen-like characteristics. Reusable baby bottles, water carboys, and other housewares are often made of PC. A high-pressure liquid chromatographic (HPLC) protocol was used to determine residual BPA in PC and BPA migrated to food simulants in contact with PC under controlled time/temperature conditions. Confirmation of BPA was performed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC−MS).

Twenty-four brands of plastic baby feeding bottles were purchased and all were found to be made of polycarbonate. Taking a batch of one representative sample, the polymer was tested for stability and possible release of bisphenol A following domestic practice of sterilization. Sterilization was by alkaline hypochlorite, steam, or washing in an automatic dishwasher at 65 degrees C with detergent. A total of 20 cycles of sterilization and subsequent food use were performed for each of the three procedures.

Eighty per cent of the AIDS-infected children in India are likely to die within five years of the contraction of the disease, if steps are not taken to cure it. At present, there are 3,551 AIDS

severe water shortage, depleting forest cover and growing air pollution are threatening to cause more damage to EL Salvador than the insurgency in the 1980s. Air pollution is taking a toll of the

Researchers establish that exposure to cockroach allergen is a major cause of asthma in children

Researchers have concluded that high fat diets for infants might have an adverse efteq on their later lives

Babies born to mothers who smoke during pregnancy have the same nicotine levels as adult smokers and almost certainly spend their first days of life going through withdrawal symptoms. This study done
