This paper describes the institutional and resource challenges and opportunities in getting different sectors in eThekwini Municipality (the local government responsible for planning and managing the city of Durban) to recognize and respond to their role in climate change adaptation.

The draft of Green India Mission submitted to PM's Council on Climate Change aims at addressing climate change by enhancing carbon sinks in sustainably managed forests, adaptation of vulnerable ecosystems and adaptation of forest-dependant communities.

This discussion paper asserts that the discourse on climate change does not pay adequate attention to women, either at the local project level or in international negotiations. It attempts to describe the potential that lies in climate mitigation and adaptation for the economic empowerment of women.

If climate change is perceived as a global threat, this can mean that too little attention is paid to the ways in which it affects local populations and settlements. This also means too little attention to the importance of locally driven adaptation, both to reduce risks and to be better prepared to cope with consequences.

The response of species to global warming depends on how different populations are affected by increasing temperature throughout the species

Under the aegis of China-India agreement for cooperation in Climate
Change, a China-India workshop was held in Beijing on September 29, 2010. The theme chosen for the workshop was on Mountain Ecosystem and Climate Change. The workshop was aimed at exchange of information on the implications of Climate Change on Mountain Ecosystems.

This report explores the answer to a difficult question: what are the potential costs for coastal adaptation from 2010 until 2050 in response to human-induced climate change?

This paper examines some of the key technical, institutional, policy and financial responses required to achieve the transformation to 'climate-smart' agriculture.

The study on "Forests and Climate Change in the Asia-Pacific Region" provides assessments on impacts of climate change and adaptation options, highlighting adaptation needs, forest management options and estimations of adaptation costs.

With climate change now a certainty, the question is now how much change there will be and what can be done about it. One of the answers is through adaptation. Many of the lessons that are being learned in adaptation are from success stories from the field. This publication contains eleven case studies covering different ecosystems and regions around the world.
