The Copenhagen Accord calls for a collective commitment by developed countries to provide

Man-made climate change is affecting water infrastructure in all regions of the world, affecting large numbers of people in their daily life and the development of their societies.

This paper identifies key challenges and solutions for carrying out project-level economic analysis of adaptation to climate change, both stand-alone and integrated into broader development projects.

This new report highlights the potential benefits of adopting System of Rice Intensification (SRI) type practices in countries including India. Says that significance of SRI lies not only in enabling increased yields with less water, but in the basket of associated social and environmental benefits. It is based on the experiences of Africare, Oxfam America and WWF in African Sahel, Southeast Asia, and India.

The national mission on sustainable habitat approved by Prime minister. It is one of the eight missions under national climate change action plan and aims to make cities sustainable through improvements in energy efficiency in buildings, management of solid waste & shift to public transport.

This publication lays out a strategy which identifies and presents a broad framework for integrated water resources planning and management, to increase the level of resilience to climate change in Himachal Pradesh.

The impacts of climate change are most visible in the dramatic changes occurring to the planet

Cost-benefit analysis has important uses

This report presents the findings of socio-economic baseline surveys carried out by the Eastern Africa office of Practical Action Consulting in Kenya between March and December 2008.

