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Previous studies have linked climate variations to the collapse of societies around the world. According to a study published in Nature (Vol 375, No 6530, June 1, 1995), drought caused the demise of the Maya civilisation in Mexico. The researchers argued that internal factors like population growth and environmental degradation, worked with climate change and led to the Maya collapse.

Climate Change

Bringing down cow flatulence can reduce the presence of greenhouse gases. So believe a group of scientists from New Zealand and Australia, currently working on a multi-million dollar research

Hurricanes and other such events that disrupt energy supplies could provide a

Big hydropower projects are poised to re-enter the good books of the World Bank (wb) and the Asian Development Bank (adb). In the early 1990s, the wb had stopped funding the Sardar Sarovar Project

oceans have cooled substantially during some of the warmest years in recent times, claims a study. During the years 2003 and 2005, which saw the highest global average surface temperatures in more

farms in the terai region of Uttar Pradesh were enveloped by fog this August. Fog is not unusual in this part of the country but it usually starts happening in winter, mostly in late December and

American power major aes Corporation's proposed us $1.2 billion power plant in Chhattisgarh has run into rough weather after the Orissa government refused to give it a no-objection certificate.

Failing to fight global warming now will cost trillions of dollars by the end of the century even without counting biodiversity loss or unpredictable events like the Gulf Stream shutting down, a

High greenhouse gas emissions may take a heavy toll on Asia's food front, warned climate change experts. Kezuhiko Kobayashi, professor (Dept of Global Agricultural Changes), University of Tokyo, said
