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The EU's emissions trading scheme, agreed by the bloc's environment ministers last week and due to go live in 2005, has led to the first speculative trades, German energy industry and government

In another chilling pointer to global warming, data released this month indicates that the ice covering the Arctic Ocean and Greenland shrank by record amounts this summer. If the current trends

In antiregulatory group sued the Bush administration in an effort to force the government to stop distributing a report on climate change that the group contends is inaccurate and biased. It was

The Kyoto agreement to cut carbon emissions will have little effect on global warming, according to Danish environmental skeptic Bj

Masses of plankton, dying as global warming heats up the waters off the Seychelles, are threatening marine life in the Indian Ocean tourist haven, a government official said. The dead plankton, as it

This year has been the second warmest since 1890, extending a quarter-century pattern of accelerated global warming linked to greenhouse gas emissions, United Nations scientists have said. The World

Agriculturally, many scientists believe that global warming is good for human race, because it helps increase food production. The major determining factor in agricultural production is the climate.

This year is expected to be the second warmest since records began and the rate of increase in global temperatures appears to be accelerating, the World Meteorological Organisatoin said in a preview

The Union Environment Minister, T.R. Baalu, has said that India, in association with like-minded countries, would pressure Russia for an early ratification of the Kyoto Protocol, a 1997 treaty that

The West Bengal government seems likely to give a green signal to plans drawn up by various agencies for commercial development of the natural resources of the Sunderbans. Environmentalists believe
