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The poorest farmers and rural communities across the developing world will earn income from land management practices that keep the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere under a new

The recently concluded Conference of Parties at New Delhi on global warming ended with the Delhi Declaration after deliberations which showed little common ground between various State parties on

Polar bears that roam the Hudson Bay area in the great Canadian north are impatiently waiting for ice to form, and as the winter shortens year by year their lives are becoming increasingly

A new study suggests that protecting threatened species may not save biodiversity, contrary to a widely held belief that targeting key species will preserve ecosystems. When scientists from the

Prime minister Atal Behari Vajpayee spoke firmly against international pressure on developing economies to scale down the rate of greenhouse emissions. Speaking at the 8th Conference on Climate

Mars once had a magnetic field as strong as the Earth

Attempts to disrupt the annual meetings of the IMF and World Bank failed

Petroleum fuels the engines of the global economy. So there is never enough of it. Oil politics dictates international relations

Accountability issue set to take centrestage at the upcoming CoP 8
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Energy policy has always been of vital importance in the US. That's why oil and gas executives have taken over the reigns of the government today
