The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) recently anno

The Kanazawa district court in Japan ordered the government to pay about US $6.1 million in compensation to local residents seeking damages over noise from the Air Self-Defence Force (ASDF) Komatsu

Is Span motel s punishment commensurate with its crime? Experts wonder

This paper describes the inadequacies in the response of the Union Carbide Corporation to the accidental release of the highly toxic gas, methyl isocyanate, from its plant in Bhopal, India in 1984. Over 20,000 people are estimated to have died from exposure to this gas since 1984, with some 120,000 chronically ill survivors. Union Carbide fought to avoid compensation or to keep it very low.

When the men of Dengajhari failed, women took up arms to protect their forests

Acting on a petition, the Supreme Court (SC) directed the Bokaro Thermal Power Station to identify the area where it can dispose of its slurry and fly-ash safely and make

Spate of elephant killings forces rethink of conservation policy

US appeals court rules in favour of Bhopal gas victims

Philip Morris remitted from paying record compensation

a sum of us $4.73 million! This is the total fine Greece paid for running an illegal waste dump. The European Commission, which had been fining the country since July 2000, stopped doing so
