The us navy tests in Vieques, an island of Puerto Rico, have caused an increase of cancer cases on the island by 52 per cent. Medical reports show that cancer cases among the 9,300 Viequenses

Brazil's public ministry will file a lawsuit against Petrobras, the country's state oil company. They will demand a compensation of us $1.1 billion for a four

around 800 Australians and some New Zealanders have claimed compensation for deaths and injuries resulting from the so-called airline

four us chemical companies will pay a compensation of us $73 million to clean up ddt-contaminated waste near California's Santa Catalina Island. This amount is the largest compensation

The Supreme Court s decision, giving a go ahead to the Sardar Sarovar Project, has regenerated the debate.

ukraine's Chernobyl nuclear plant will be closed down permanently from December 15, 2000. "It's a political decision and the closing of the plant would be a historic event,' Ukraine's president

in response to an air pollution lawsuit filed against a Japanese public corpo

This multi purpose project has the potential of solving the region s problems but at enormous environmental cost

the Kerala government has finally promulgated the Kerala Forest (Vesting and management of ecologically sensitive lands) Ordinance, 2000, which gives it the power to take ownership of all lands

JUSTICE N VENKATACHALA former judge of the Supreme Court, is currently chairperson of the National Environment Appellate Authority NEAA . Set up in July 1997, NEAA has so far handled about a dozen environment related cases. The numbers are far below exp
